The Future is Green


A few decades ago, renewable energy experts only pitched hydrogen as a fossil fuel alternative for transport. Today, carbon-neutral dreamers believe it’s the glue that holds the green revolution together and it has the potential to deliver critical functions for a new energy world.

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Production Unlimited

Hydrogen has the potential to decarbonise transport, building heating, and industry energy use. Hydrogen can be transformed into electricity and methane to power homes and feed industry, and into fuels for cars, trucks, ships and planes.

Sharing the load

Hydrogen is one of the leading options for storing energy from renewables and offers promises of cheaply storing electricity over days, weeks or even months. Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels can transport energy from renewables over long distances – from regions with abundant solar and wind resources, such as Australia or Latin America, to energy-hungry cities thousands of kilometres away.

Green not greenhouse

Hydrogen has the potential to enable large-scale, efficient renewable energy integration. Hydrogen can help produce, store, move and use energy in different ways. It can be transported as a gas by pipelines or in liquid form by ships, much like liquefied natural gas (LNG).

riding the change

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Carbon Counting

Hydrogen can help serve as feedstock using captured carbon. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will be essential to decarbonise hydrogen production, and to drive further demand for hydrogen.